Be Careful What You Wish Fo’

My wife and I had narrowly escaped the house with the Twins intact. We’d fed and bathed them in a hurry so we could make it on time to Thanksgiving 2: This Time, It’s Leftovers at my wife’s mother’s house, and were now en route, listening to the soothing sounds of choral squawks from the back seat over the jingle-jangle of Arizona’s perpetual Christmas music radio station.

Glancing downward at her leg, my wife felt her jeans. “My knee’s still wet from when I pulled him out of the tub and dried him,” she chuckled.

“Yeah, well, that’s better than finding poo smears on your sleeve.” I’d had to change my shirt after changing Twin diaper loads.

“Can you imagine how awesome it’s going to be when the kids can walk and we can just tell them to step out of the tub themselves?”

“Yeah, that’ll be nice.” I mused. “But that also means they’ll be able to step out of the tub whenever they want.”

“…Nuh-uh. We’ll hold them down or something.” But even she herself didn’t sound convinced.

I eyed her with a grin. “Mo’ money, mo’ problems, babe.”

Notorious B.I.G. - Mo Money Mo Problems
I do love it when the Twins call me “Big Poppa.”

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If not, you may have mo’ problems than you realize. Maybe you should give some of that money to me.

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9 responses to “Be Careful What You Wish Fo’”

  1. The worst part is that they will also be able to climb INTO the wet/full tub whenever they want. Like on Easter Sunday. When they are fully dressed, and you have 5 minutes before you have to leave for dinner at Grandma’s house. (Yes, this is experience talking.)


    1. Wow. Yeah. Good to know. I imagine door-closing works for a little while…until they figure out how to open them. I’m sure we’ll have our own similar adventures. Luckily, I was on the USA Olympic Bathtub Swimming Team a few years back, so I’ll be able to Baywatch into action if the need arises.


  2. […] Be Careful What You Wish Fo' « Twinfamy About John Pseudonymous. Stay-at-home trophy husband & father of 10-month-old fraternal boy/girl twins; writer of Twinfamy, the epic parenting and humor blog; PhD student; undiscovered rock star. View all posts by John … Source: […]


  3. You can’t wait until they start doing things but once they do you realize how easy things used to be. Once they are mobile all bets are off.


    1. One thing I keep telling people (and myself) is that I’m okay with this all going slowly. Time moves so quickly anyway, so I’m not all that interested in saying “I can’t wait until…” because when I get there I know I’ll miss the good ol’ days. I try to focus on enjoying each day and not daydream about the future. If I daydream too long, I might miss something that’s happening today.


  4. Everything seems like it’ll get easier when they get older. Only problem is that when they get older we’ll miss the time when they were just our little babies. It’s a tricky situation…

    That said, I am really happy that Isaac is now foot mobile rather than just crawling, it makes things easier.


    1. It’ll definitely be nice to not have to carry them everywhere once they start walking, but I’m not all that excited about the chasing part, especially since I have two kids to chase. I’m thinking it’ll be way cheaper than a gym membership, though, so I guess that’s a plus.


  5. Another great thing they’ll be able to do with the tub: leave it running, unbeknownst to you, until you happen to wander in just in time to see a gallon of water overflow onto the floor. Not speaking from personal experience here. Of course that’s not true… I was *that* Dad.

    I do look forward to a future largely free of poo-sleeves, however. *sigh*


    1. On the bright side, you got a free bathroom floor mopping. So there’s that.

      Yeah, I’m sure they’ll get into all sorts of twinanigans. In no time they’ll be able to team up, and I’m a little scared of that. However, I am excited about the end of poo-sleeves. I still have a while to go, but as long as the end is coming, I’m okay with hanging in there.

      And changing shirts three times a day.


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